"Hello, World!" and welcome to my academic home away from home.

Daniel John Steward

Office: #3072 Lincoln Hall
Phone: 217.333.1950
Email: djs@illinois.edu
Homepage: https://djs.web.illinois.edu/ (Here)

Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-4:00 PM (Fall 2023)*
(I hold these via Zoom and in person. Current students have the Zoom links in their Moodle sites, and are invited to drop-in at these times. Others should contact me via email to get the link.)

* I am also available by appointment, if we can coordinate one in spite of the swamp-in-a-tempest that is contemporary email.

I'm an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Sociology Department.

This (academic) year (2023-2024) I am teaching:

Revised: 2023.08.04